What is the CE Committee?
The IPA Continuing Education Committee's mission is to develop high-quality, regionally distributed, continuing education programs for professional psychologists covering the full range of specialty practice (child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric populations) and professional services (assessment, treatment, and consultation) and settings (inpatient, outpatient, mental health, primary care, and forensic) that are offered in sufficient quantity to meet Indiana State Psychology Board requirements for licensure and license renewal.
Our goals are:- To provide quality educational programs for IPA members.
- To have a schedule of 4 to 6 continuing education workshops per year.
- To offer 10-15 hours of Category I CE every year and 3-6 hours of Category 1 Ethics CE every year.
- To have high attendee satisfaction ratings.
The Indiana Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Check our Continuing Education page regularly for information on upcoming continuing education events.
What is continuing education for psychologists?
Continuing education (CE) in psychology is an ongoing process consisting of formal learning activities that (1) are relevant to psychological practice, education and science; (2) enable psychologists to keep pace with the most current scientific evidence regarding assessment, intervention, and education as well as important legal, statutory, or regulatory issues; and (3) allow psychologists to maintain, develop, and increase competencies in order to improve services to the public and enhance contributions to the profession. All continuing education courses and providers, whether for Categories I or II credit, must meet the eligibility requirements for board approval
Who is required to have continuing education?
All psychologists who have an endorsement as a Health Service Provider in Psychology (HSPP) are required to complete at least 40 hours of continuing education activity during a two year licensure period ending August 31 of even numbered years. At least 20 hours of education activities must be Category I. No more than 20 hours can be granted from Category II activities.
Psychologists who are retired or who practice outside of Indiana (but hold an HSPP) are also required to meet 40 hours per licensure period.
What kinds of programs are classified as Category I activities?
Formally organized courses, workshops, seminars, symposium, post-doctoral institutes, or home based study. For home based study, which includes approved computer and audio/visual instructional programs, must be designed by Indiana State Psychology Board approved organizations or be verified/approved by the Board. Home based study for Category I may not exceed 10 hours - additional hours may be claimed as Category II.
For course programs to qualify for Category I, participants are required to have verification of attendance provided by the sponsor of the program. Home study programs must also provide verification of completion. Education certified as Category I may be virtual or in-person. No credit will be given for courses in the management of the business aspects of the practice of psychology (practice management).
What kinds of programs are classified as Category II activities?
Journal clubs, colloquia, invited speaker sessions, in-house seminars, case conferences for training/teaching, programs at scientific or professional meetings that are relevant to psychology; individual learning programs that do not have administrative supervision; preparation time for teaching materials to other professionals; formal professional supervision after HSPP endorsement is obtained.
For learning activities that qualify as Category II, participants are not required to have a certificate of completion, but must keep their own record.
Are there any content requirements for CE?
Yes. Psychologists must earn at least six hours of continuing education for ethics during each two year licensure period. At least 3 of these hours must meet criteria for Category I. These hours are part of the 40 hour requirement.
What kinds of programs are not considered approved CE?
Courses in the business management of the practice of psychology (practice management) are not eligible for CE credit. The time spent presenting a workshop or teaching a course for continuing education also does not qualify for CE.
How do I know if the program that I attend will count as a continuing education activity?
The State Psychology Board automatically recognizes continuing education programs that are sponsored by a number of different agencies, including the Indiana Psychological Association. Generally, professional organizations and accredited teaching institutions are recognized. There are several specific organizations that are listed under the continuing education requirement section of the State Psychology Board web site (http://www.in.gov/pla/2606.htm).
If a psychologist wants to determine whether a particular program meets approval standards by the State Board, he or she may submit course materials to the Board for approval. Professional supervision must be pre-approved by the Board to qualify for continuing education credit.
Do I have to send in my documentation when I renew my license?
No. You are only required to submit documentation when requested by the State Psychology Board.
How long must I keep my continuing education documentation?
Five years.
What if I obtain my HSPP endorsement in the middle of a licensure year?
The continuing education requirements are based upon your licensure not your HSPP endorsement date. If your licensure was granted during the first year of a licensure cycle, then you are required to complete 40 hours during the two year cycle. If your licensure is granted during the second year of a licensure cycle, then you are required to complete 20 hours of continuing education during the cycle.
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