
IPA Webinars

Upcoming Live Webinars

The Indiana Psychological Association (IPA) offers live webinars for continuing education (CE) category I credit. We utilize Zoom Webinar which can be accessed on your PC or Mac and via a mobile app (search Zoom Webinar in your app store - available for IOS, Android, and Windows Phone).
IPA will host live webinars on the third Wednesday or Friday monthly.  Time of webinars to be 12:00 p.m.-1:00  Eastern Time.  Registration is open for those webinars shown in blue below.


12/13/2024:  Noelany Pelc, PhD & Michael Slavkin, PhD, NCC, LMHC - Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQIA+ Youth

We would love to have you consider presenting a webinar alone or with a colleague. We plan to have a webinar each month and are always interested in members' input. If there is another topic that is of interest to you, feel free to develop that idea.

If you have interest in providing a webinar to your colleagues, please contact Emily Roth (eroth@childrensresourcegroup.com) or Connie Vore (admin@indianapsychology.org).


Past IPA Webinars
IPA members may watch recorded webinars free as a privilege of membership.  The links to the recorded webinars are provided in the (new) Members Only>Recorded IPA Webinars page of the website.  Members may self-report that they watched the recorded webinar for Category II CE credit.  Alternatively, 2021+ webinars are also now available for Homestudy, offering Category I credit. See the IPA Continuing Education (CE) Homestudy page for more information.  IPA Members may view recorded IPA webinars as a privilege of membership. It is expected and understood that members will not share any links to the recordings without IPA permission. These recordings and their content are shared solely for continuing education/learning purposes. Users cannot republish or repurpose content without the presenter's explicit permission. 

3/21/2024:  Afternoon Conversation with Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon (non-CE event)
4/12/2024:  Speaking 'Spectrum: Modifying Assessment and Treatment Strategies to Better Serve Adults with ASD
5/17/2024:  Psychological Treatment Consideration in Parkinson's Disease
5/23/2024:  Internship Applications 101 (non-CE event)
6/12/2024:  Challenges to Assessing and Treating Racial Trauma and How to Overcome Them Ethically, Practically, and Bravely
7/26/2024:  Clinical Considerations in Alzheimer's Disease 
9/18/2024:  Supporting Immigrant Children and Their Families

1/20/2023:  Dr. Michael Slavkin - What Every Counselor Needs to Know About Youth Firesetting
2/10/2023:  Dr. Stephanie J. Cunningham, Dr. Danielle Henderson, Patrick Murphy, MSEd, and Michelle K. Williams, MS - 2022 Fall Conference Follow-up Session: Practical Application of the APA Practice Guidelines
2/17/2023:  Dr. Jenna Cacciola & Dr. Kassandra Lowery - Understanding Neurodivergence Across the Lifespan: The dangers of dismissing diagnosis without data
3/17/2023:  Dr. Amanda Wakefield - Bringing Pain Rehabilitation to Indiana: Process and Progress
5/17/2023:  Jamie B. Gaither, MA & Ashlee Bruggenschmidt, MS - Looking Beyond Preferential Seating: How to Write Effective and Functional Clinical Recommendations for the School Setting
6/16/2023:  Dr. Brooke Frazer - Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Defining and Treating a Complex Behavior
8/18/2023:  Dr. Brady Hart - A subject related to child abuse/maltreatment and children's rights
9/15/2023:  Dr. Matthew Powless, Dr. Adam Gallenberg, & Dr. Jeff Ruser - Mental Health and Performance Enhancement in Sport Psychology: Two Sides of the Same Coin
10/20/2023:  Dr. - Rhonda N. Balzarini - Love Without Limits: Exploring the Myths and Realities of Consensual Non-Monogamy
*We will not hold a monthly webinar in November since we are hosting the annual Fall Conference on Thursday 11/2/2023 and Friday11/3/2023*
12/15/2023:  Dr. Amanda Case and Jessica Reneé Bowen Pereira, M.S.Ed. - Anti-racism in Psychological Assessment: History, Trends, and Future Directions

Intersection of ASD and Mental Health: An Update (1/21/2022)
Three Evidence-Based Strategies for Treating Social Anxiety Disorder (3/18/2022)
A Psychiatrist's Humbling Encounters With Marginalized Populations: Case Scenarios (4/20/2022)
Understanding Patients' Financial Stress: Assessment and Treatment Strategies (5/20/2022)
Integrating Emotion Focused Couples Therapy and Gottman Method Couples Therapy (6/17/2022)
Using Principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Treat Insomnia (7/22/2022)
Evidenced-Based Treatment of PTSD: Prolonged Exposure and Cognitive Processing Therapy (8/19/2022)
Evidence-Based Treatments for Chronic Pain: Tips for the Generalist (9/16/2022)
Self-Care and Burnout: Centering Intersecting Identities as Contributing Factors (10/21/2022) 
Sexual Diversity in Individuals with Autism and ADHD (11/18/2022)
Helping Caregivers of Suicidal Teens (12/16/2022)

Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Misunderstood and Understood: Deafness and Hearing Impairments Across the Life Span (Part 2) (10/15/2021)
Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Misunderstood and Understood: Deafness and Hearing Impairments Across the Life Span (Part 1) (9/17/2021)
The Effect of Social Media on Mental Health (8/20/2021)
Use of Interpreters for Mental Health Treatment (7/9/2021)
Caring for the Wounds of Racial Trauma (for Ourselves and Our Clients) (6/30/2021)
Assessment and Treatment of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (5/26/2021)
Long COVID: Red Flag Issues for Psychologists (4/21/2021)
Humbling Psychopharmacology Case Scenarios in Youth & Adults (3/17/2021)
Immediacy at the Intersection of Impulse Control Disorders and Pandemics (2/19/2021)

Testing by Telehealth: Ongoing Considerations for Assessment (1/15/2021)

Providing Affirming Mental Health Care for LGBTQ+ Youth (12/9/2020)
Evaluation of Young Children  (10/16/2020)

Evaluating Cognition in Children with Complex Medical Conditions (9/18/2020)
Psychotherapy with African American clients: Foundations, Frameworks, and Phases (8/21/2020)
Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (6/19/2020)
Cultural Diversity:  Strategies for Developing a Therapeutic Alliance with African Americans (5/15/2020)
Applying Telepsychology (5/6/2020)
Evaluation of Children and Adolescents with Sensory Impairments (4/15/2020)

Diagnosis & Treatment of Pediatric Headaches (3/20/2020)

Psychological Respons
e to Mass Casualty Trauma (2/21/2020)
Identifying Dyslexia and Navigating Educational Resources

Diagnosis and Treatment of Eating Disorders (Wednesday, 12/18/19)   
Treating Adolescent Self-Harm and Suicidal Behavior with Dialectical Behavior Therapy (8/21/19)
Overview of DBT (6/19/19) 

DBT Series Mindfulness
DBT Series Distress Tolerance
DBT Series Emotion Regulation
DBT Series Interpersonal Effectiveness

Childhood Mental Health Disorders (Wednesday, 4/17/19) 
Neuropsychological Considerations in Treatment (2/15/19)

Diversity (10/19/18)
Telepsychology (8/17/18)
Anxiety in Young Adults (5/18/18)
Sexual Issues in the Perinatal Period (2/16/18)

Trauma and Addiction (10/20/17)
The Mindset of Suicide: Implications for Earlier Detection and Prevention (8/18/17)
Mental Health Issues on the Rise among College Students (5/19/17)
ASD and More: Autism and Co-Existing Conditions Disabled (2/17/17)

Family-Based Treatment of Eating Disorders in Children (10/21/16)
Social Anxiety, Shyness and Social Success (8/19/16)

National Register Webinars 
The Indiana Psychological Association (IPA) has also partnered with the National Register to offers live webinars for continuing education (CE) credit at a discount for eligible members. 

IPA New, Premier, Platinum, and Emeritus-Practicing Members receive a 50% discount on National Register LIve Webinars.  Use code shared via e-mail.

You can find recorded National Register webinars on their CE site: https://ce.nationalregister.org/. The National Register office can be reached at 202-783-7663 if you have any questions or need additional help. Please note that the recorded episodes are not eligible for the discounted rate.